Source: Katy Perry "Distraught" as She Copes With Post-Split Sorrows

Russell Brand, Katy PerryFreddie Baez/

When we first asked you if Katy Perry and Russell Brand were doomed from the start, some of you felt we had a bit too much of a Brand-bias in the matter. But never fear, Awful readers, 'cause Team Truth is here to dish more on how Ms. Perry's been spending her days, post-split.

Get ready for some sad stuff, and also, K.P. just might be following in the footsteps of her "Last Friday Night" lyrics.

And that's not all

READ: Katy Perry & Russell Brand: Moving Vans Spotted at Their House

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While Katy took to Kauai over Christmas to kick back, the "California Gurl" apparently spent little time relaxing.


"Katy partied the entire time she was in Kauai," dished an eyewitness from the island.

Let's say two things right now: First, Katy's reps are understandably keeping mum right now on her divorce situation, and second, if a grown woman wants to kick back and act "as if" while she figures out the next stage in her life, this is nobody's business to judge.

Additionally, the Kauai witness claims Ms. Perry seemed to be "distraught over the breakup."

Uh, duh!

So unfortunate, really, since we adore Katy an! d think the gal's got mucho talent for days. That said, we hear from our Russell Brand sources that even though he seriously knows how to get his flirt on with gals right now (which we mentioned yesterday), he, too, "is kinda sad."

Hmmm. Wonder if a reconciliation could happen?

"Doubt it," said our R.B. insider.

We say let's put it this way: Certainly that would occur before Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore patch things back up, but, that's still not sayin' a whole lot!

Additional Reporting by Sheena Rao and Claudia Rosenbaum

PHOTOS: Katy Perry & Russell Brand: Romance Rewind