Katy Perry's boobs through the years: The amazing adventures of Katy Perry's boobs

They're celebrities in their own right, so we take a look back at the journey so far ...

A tissue! (bless you) Katy was snapped with toilet paper down her bra on Tuesday A tissue! (bless you) Katy was snapped with toilet paper down her bra on Tuesday


Yesterday, we revealed the secret behind Katy Perry's amazing cleavage: a bit of loo roll stuck in her bra. And it got us reminiscing about the highs, the lows and the incredible costumes Katy Perry's boobs have been through.

So many times we've seen them onstage, on magazine covers, or just perilously close to Justin Bieber. And always while draped in amazing dresses, decorated in some sort of cake or shooting out actual rockets.

Who could forget their most recent appearance, behind two film er, cans at the premiere of Katy Perry's new 3D film, Part Of Me? That's right, her boobs are coming to a cinema near you and they'll be in 3D, and the film's called Part Of Me. You can make up your own punchline to that.

It's hard to put the best of times, and the worst of times of Katy's breasts into words, so let us refer you to our special picture gallery - dedicated entirely to the singer's rack.

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The highs and lows of Katy Perry's breasticles

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And get a good look at them while you ! can - Katy's revealed she's taking a break from showbiz after this film.