Katy Perry on Mysterious Spiritual Journey
Sep 20, 2012 11:01am
ABC News Cecilia Vega and Kim Berryman report:
Shes known for kissing other girls, and hanging with California girls.
And just when it seemed like this superstars career couldnt climb any higher, Katy Perry tweeted a picture of herself, quite literally, on top of the world.
I ate, I prayed, I climbed a volcano, Perry tweeted along with the photo Wednesday to her more than 26 million followers.
Sound vaguely familiar? Julia Roberts starred in the 2010 film based off the best-selling book about a woman on a spiritual journey mission to take two weeks off to, you know, deal with everything and go some place where she can marvel at something.
Perry is on an Eat Pray Love journey of her own, from mysterious mountains to meditations, tweeting all along the way.
On Monday she wrote, Getting some (expletive) out my chakras!
Over the weekend, Starting the day with a group meditate #breakfastofchampions
And another, I can feel the phoenix rising.
Why a 27-year-old would need to do all this soul searching is unclear. However, it may have something to do with the high-profile divorce from Russell Brand.
READ MORE: Katy Perry Equates Divorce to a Scar as Her New Film Approaches
Or perhaps shes attempting to get her mind off the recently rumored relationship with John Mayer.
READ MORE: Katy Perry, ! John May er Seeing Each Other Again
READ MORE: Katy Perry, John Mayer Reportedly Call It Quits
But no matter what, this daughter of evangelical parents is on a spiritual quest.
Perry told Elle magazine she has crystals and a mantra. Shes just not saying with it is.
I cant tell you that. I wish I could. Its really good. It might be my last words. It might be part of my last dying breath, Perry said.