Katy Perry Talks Sims 3 Seasons, Social Media and More [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

Katy Perry is a woman of many talents. Shes a musician, an actress and she had one of her earliest singles, Hot and Cold, translated into Simlish. How cool is that? Katys most recent project with The Sims is her involvement in The Sims 3 Seasons expansion pack, available on Tuesday.

Mashable got a chance to talk to Katy about her partnership with the video game franchise, her thoughts on social media and her need for some reality time.

In an exclusive Skype interview, Katy told me shes excited about The Sims 3 Seasons. For one thing, you can finally make a snow angel or watch the leaves falling while youre carving pumpkins in the Sims universe and, of course, you get to play as Katys Sim while wearing her outfits and hairstyles.

Regarding her presence on social media, Katy says, yes, those tweets are all hers, which is why there are so many typos and misspelled words among them. But she leaves time for a real life as well, insisting she doesnt agree with the motto, If its not on Instagram or Twitter, it didnt happen.

Watch the interview in the video above, and you can catch the trailer for The Sims 3 Seasons below.