Watch Out Katy Perry! Your Ex Is Planning To Write A Tell All Book

If ever Katy Perry needed to be extra nice to Russell Brand, it'd be now! That's because Russell, who has written two books about his life, My Booky Wook and Booky Wook 2: This Time It's Personal which ended shortly after he met the pop star has vowed to pen more in the future, and he knows he can't leave out such a large chunk of his life.

She better start writing some song sabout her exShe better start writing some song sabout her ex

Russell who split from Katy in December 2011 after 14 months of marriage said: "I will write more Booky Wooks, I love writing those Booky Wooks and there's a lot to cover. Maybe I'll wait until I get married again or have more children before I write any more. You can't write things about your life and not include things that happened in your life.

In recent months, Russell has been pictured several times chatting to homeless people and says he always takes time to talk to those living on the streets after previously being advised about how much they hate being ignored.

Maybe Russell will be kind?Maybe Russell will be kind?

He explained in a web chat with Heatworld: "There's homeless people everywhere and when I was young a homeless person told me that worse than being poor and having no money and sleeping outside is that when you're homeless, people don't look at you in the face properly or talk to you, he said it made him feel lonely and sad. That person killed himself actually, he died of a drug overdose.

"So now, when I meet homeless people I try to think 'Well they're just the same as me but they've had often a lot worse luck and in many cases, better dress sense, so I try to be nice to them and sweet because they're just the same as us really." BANG Sho! wbiz