Star Spotting: Katy Perry Is Proud To Be A Belieber! (PHOTO)

Oh look! Katy Perry is a hardcore Belieber.

It's not like we thought Katy Perry DIDN'T love her some Justin Bieber(remember when this happened?), we just didn't think she loved him SO MUCH that she and her gal pals would all sport JB's signature purple hoodie to his concert last night. Yep, Katy Perry dressed up like Justin Bieber and it's not Halloween.

Katy and her pals attended the four-time 2012 MTV EMA nominee's"Believe" tourstop in L.A. last night (sadly, they were not in attendance for puke-gate 2012), andas you can see by the purple explosion above, they were preeeeeetty excited to be at a Justin Bieber show. In fact, Katy was so proud of her color coordination that she proudly tweeted the photo out to all her Katycats along with the caption: "WE ARE BELIEBERS!" Are you? We actually couldn't tell. But srsly, if Katy and The Biebs are so into each other, then you know what we're gonna say next: COLLABORATION TIME bb's!

Photo credit: @KatyPerry

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