Katy Perry in $2m lawsuit with haircare brand ghd

Katy Perry is caught up in a multi-million dollar lawsuit with the makers of the ghd hair products.

The singer signed a $4.5 million (2.9 million) deal with the Jemella Group - the firm behind the brand - in 2011, starring in a series of adverts to promote ghd.

Katy Perry in her new GHD advert

Katy Perry in her ghd advert

She is now threatening to sue the company, claiming it owes her $2 million (1.3 million) based on an oral agreement to extend the two-year contract, TMZ reports.

Jemella says there was no agreement, explaining that it decided against renewing the endorsement deal after market research suggested Perry's popularity in Europe had declined.

Pre-empting the lawsuit, the firm filed papers against Perry in an attempt to block her taking legal action over the disputed $2 million.

Perry said: "They're backing out of the deal because of an ownership change, and just throwing shade to hide their bad faith."

Her rep added: "Jemella's attempt to embarrass Ms Perry by including defamatory statements about her in a public filing is shameful."